Tuning in to Kids (TINK) is a parenting program that helps children to learn to understand and regulate their emotions. Children with good emotional intelligence often have better emotional, social, and physical functioning, as well as fewer behavioural difficulties.
Triple P is a parenting program, but it doesn’t tell you how to be a parent. It’s more like a toolbox of ideas. You choose the strategies you need. You choose the way you want to use them. It’s all about making Triple P work for you.
Membership to Last Frickin Parenting Program You'll Ever Need to Do
Modern Parenting Program where you choose what it is you need. Click here for more information on units such as:
Living with Teens
Nek Level - the big bang (tantrums, meldowns and explosive behaviours)
School Refusal
and more...
The Shark Cage Program is a trauma informed 5 step program of interventions designed to heal and empower women, girls and men who have experienced repeated abuse such as family violence or sexual assault.
The group draws on a human rights approach in assisting women and girls to develop or regain a sense of their right.
This group will give you tools and the knowledge to identify what bars you need to strengthen in your own shark cage so you feel empowered to navigate your way around unhealthy/toxic relationships and ensure you remain safe and decrease the likelihood of further risk of abuse.
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Copyright Safe Hands Family Services
PO Box 239, The Entrance NSW 2262 AUSTRALIA
ABN 48623190054